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Discover and Experience Greece …

Cultural … Arts … Gastronomy & Wineries … or Quench your Adrenal … we can meet your Requirements!

Xenaki Travel & Tours sole objective and visionary in specialising in creating your own Private Tours or Activities, specifically designed to your personal requirements, interests and preferences. 

Greece is truly a rich destination, allowing a traveller to discover and experience many fields of interests.  However the most authentic of all in your own personal experience as a Local .. the lifestyle, the cuisine, the culture and of course the entertainment.  We welcome you to Explore our Tours, Activities and Multiday Packages below:

Discover and Experience the World …

South Africa – Zanzibar – Morocco – Europe .. the World is your Oyster!

Xenaki Travel & Tours with elective collaborations across the Globe, we offer various Travel Experiences from Safaris, Gastronomy, Vineyards – Wine Tastings, Adrenaline Activities and much more .. if you do not find what you are looking for below, reach out to us and we will ensure to create your personalised tailormade package to meet your Travel Dreams as desired.